49 file nomination forms for 21-member body as deadline expires
Anwar Ullah, Dhaka: Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) Senior Vice-president Abdus Salam Murshedy MP has ruled out any possibility of further rescheduling of the October 3 polls to BFF executive committee as demanded by some current EC members on the ground of Covid-19 pandemic.
“I find no reason for further rescheduling of BFF polls on coronavirus ground as the whole world is trying to cope with pandemic-triggered setback. Besides, we cannot wait for an unspecified period as no one knows when the situation will return to complete normalcy,” he said while talking to The Independent on Monday, the last day of submitting nomination forms for the polls.
The BFF senior vice-president came up with the remarks when asked about an application for deferral of the election submitted by several members including incumbent vice-president Badal Roy and former vice-president Mahiuddin Ahmed Mohi, who also have collected nomination forms for the polls.
In the application dated September 4 and addressed to BFF president, they cited Covid-19 pandemic as the reason for which the much-hyped polls have already witnessed a deferral to October 3 from April 30.
“At least 20 councilors including Badal Roy himself are attacked by coronavirus. Some of them are in hospitals while some in home quarantine, and many of them will not be able to cast their votes if the polls held as per the Oct 3 schedule,” says the letter signed by Roy.
Justifying his position to stick to the current schedule, Murshedy, also a former national soccer star, said, “The whole world, including China, America, Europe and even Bangladesh, is back in business. Champions League and Europa Cup completed recently, and the UEFA Nations Cup is ongoing … nothing is stopped now, and therefore, we want to move forward.”
About some councilors and executive members becoming Covid-19-positive, Murshedy said, “I know that some of our members including Badal (Badal Roy) and Mohi Bhai (Mahiudding Mohi) are affected by coronavirus. Obviously, I am very much saddened for that. But both of them and some others affected by the virus have collected nomination papers.”
“Also, there is no guarantee that nobody will be affected in the future. So we can’t wait for an indefinite period to hold the already rescheduled election,” he said.
The deadline for collection and submission of nomination papers expired on Tuesday and the last day for nomination withdrawal is September 13 when the final list and ballot numbers will also be published.
A total of 49 members submitted nomination papers. Of them, three submitted forms for one president post, two for one senior vice-president post, eight for four posts of vice-presidents, and 36 for 15 executive members’ posts.
As per the election schedule, objection against any candidate will have to file on September 9 to the election commission while the nomination papers would be scrutinized on September 11.
The election will be held in the capital’s Pan Pacific Sonargoan Hotel on October 3 following the Annual General Meeting (AGM). A total of 139 councilors as well as voters are supposed to cast their votes to elect a 21-member committee for the next four years.