‘Charcoal Stories’, a solo art show of Rashid Khan–a visual painter, singer and lyricist–is currently underway at 49th Studio in the capital’s Banani area.
“Khan’s current show is quite unique because all the works are based on charcoal medium on paper and canvas, courtesy of Rashid Khan’s personal hallmark. It is very noticeable that the painter has massively used charcoal on paper that is undoubtedly complicated to handle. Spraying of fixative has to be adequate enough to give the charcoal a bright and animated look and Rashid has done this dexterously. The artist likes to experiment with bold lines and he has a great ability to bring an appealing view to his works where one can get a taste of aestheticism”, art critic and cultural curator Takir Hossain said about the exhibition.
While talking about the artist, Takir Hossain said that Rashid Khan has always tried to keep his individual hallmark in every domain of his creativities. This is possible due to his acute seriousness and honesty towards his works. Rashid has acquired an enigmatic quality in his paintings that works on many levels from the visual to the subconscious. The figures have been promptly drawn and their facial expressions carry miscellaneous moods. His ponderings on art delineate a vast range of themes from reality to fantasy, imagination to imperfection, and sometimes the artist delves deep into a psychological voyage through his surrounding characters.
Commenced on November 4, the exhibition will continue till November 20.