FARHANA AHMED: An Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for COVID19 care was inaugurated in North Lakhimpur Civil Hospital on Saturday.
The new ICU unit has beds for six COVID19 positive patients.
The ICU was inaugurated by the additional deputy commissioner (health) of Lakhimpur district, Manoroma Morang in presence of other health officials at North Lakhimpur Civil Hospital.
Earlier, the civil hospital had two ICU beds in the child care section.
The new ICU unit for CIVID19 patients has increased the number of ICU beds at the hospital to eight.
The joint director of health services, Lakhimpur, Mahendra Das; the superintendent of the civil hospital, Dr Nikhil Kakoti; Dr. DD Mili, Dr Betai Doley and Devanga Vikash Gogoi, Abhijeet Luthuri Chetia Pator from NHM-Lakhimpur were also present in the inaugural function.
On Friday, Assam reported 380 new COVID19 cases, taking the state’s overall tally to 2,06,015.
So far, a total of 1,94,665 people have recovered from COVID19 in Assam.