RSS-affiliated Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) has alleged that a Hojai-based NGO in Assam received money from an organisation having terror links.
The LRO alleged that Hojai-based Anfar Foundation received Rs 8 crore from the Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW).
LRO alleged that the bank accounts of the IRW were seized in the countries of the European Union due to alleged terror activities.
“Anfar Foundation, Hojai Assam got Rs 8 Cr from Islamic Relief Worldwide- IRW, whose bank accounts are frozen in EU countries for terror activities and its relations with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Turkish IHH (Ajmal Foundation donor),” LRO alleged in the tweet.
In another tweet, the LRO stated that in 2012, United Bank of Africa closed the bank account of Islamic Relief Worldwide due to “concerns about counter-terrorist regulations.”
The LRO further said, “The United Arab Emirates included IRW and IR-UK on a list of terrorist entities and has been designated as a terror organization by the UAE.”
It also stated that 2017, Bangladesh banned three Muslim aid organizations, including Islamic Relief Worldwide, from working in Rohingya refugee camps as a “preventative measure against potential radicalization in the camps.”
Earlier, the LRO also accused AIUDF Chief Badrudding Ajmal-owned Ajmal Foundation of receiving foreign funds to a tune of Rs 69.55 crore from various dubious sources which have been primarily “engaged in terror financing and money laundering activities.” NE NOW NEWS