As per the Phase 1 data of the National Family Health Survey released by the Union Health Ministry, Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Tripura has deteriorated.
According to the data released, infant mortality rate, neonatal mortality rate, under-five mortality rate and anaemia among women have deteriorated in Tripura.
The neo-natal mortality in Tripura which was recorded at 13.2/1000 births during 2015-16, has now shot up to 22.9.
On similar lines, Infant Mortality Rate has also risen from 26.7 to 37.6.
On the other hand, under-five mortality rate has risen from 32.7 to 43.3.
As per the latest data released, it shows that 64.3% children aged between 6-59 months have been found anaemic.
Besides, 61.5% of pregnant women between 15-49 years of age were also found to be anaemic.
When it comes to non-pregnant women, 67.4 per cent were found to be anaemic.
The survey was conducted by the Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) across over 7 thousand households in Tripura.
A total of 7,314 women and 990 men were surveyed between July and November last year. NE NOW NEWS