NE NOW NEWS: Assam becomes India’s first state to enact a Tenancy Act after the State Legislative Assembly passed the Assam Tenancy Bill 2021 on Friday.
Sharing the information, minister for housing & urban affairs Ashok Singhal said the Assam Tenancy Act aims at protecting the rights of landlords and tenants.
The Assam government will establish a regulatory authority for providing a speedy resolution of disputes under the Act, minister Singhal said.
“Under the leadership of HCM @himantabiswa, Assam becomes India’s first State to enact Assam Tenancy Act 2021. The Assam Tenancy Act 2021 aims to protect the rights of Landlords & Tenants and will establish a regulatory authority for providing a speedy resolution of disputes,” minister Singhal tweeted.
With the enactment of this Act, the Assam Urban Areas Rent Control Act, 1972 stands repealed thereby making the state first in India to establish a rent authority to regulate renting of premises and to protect the interest of landlords and tenants.
The government said the Assam Tenancy Act 2021 will provide a speedy adjudication mechanism for the resolution of related disputes and matters.
There will be no artificial cap in fixing the rent of a premise.
The rent of a building will be market-driven and will be determined by a mutual agreement between the tenants and landlords said the Act will simplify and make faster the procedure of redressing disputes between tenants and landlords, the government said.