Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) held a seminar titled “Right to Information (RTI) Act in Investigative Journalism” on Saturday.
Some 30 reporters from newspapers, televisions and online news portals participated in the daylong seminar.
DRU in association with the Management and Resource Development Initiative (MRDI) under Sweden’s Fojo Media Institute, Linnaeus University and Sweden’s initiative in improving quality journalism in Bangladesh organised the seminar.
During the inaugural session, Chief Information Commissioner Martuza Ahmed said journalists played a role to shake the society through investigative journalism.
“Journalists are doing the job of providing information to the people. They portray what is happening,” he said.
The Information Commission will facilitate investigative journalism using the Right to Information Act, the commissioner said.
After the seminar, certificates were handed over to the participants.
DRU president Nazrul Islam Mithu, its general secretary Nurul Islam Hasib, Information and Communication Technology secretary Kamal Mosharref, head of capacity building of MRDI’s investigative journalism helpdesk Badruddoza Babu and MRDI’s executive director Hasibur Rahman, among others, addressed the event.