Ben Affleck will return as Batman in the upcoming solo Flash movie. The film will also feature an older iteration of the character, played by Michael Keaton, reprising his role from Batman and Batman Returns.
Vanity Fair broke the news ahead of the weekend’s DC Fandome event. Director of The Flash, Andy Muschietti said, “His Batman has a dichotomy that is very strong, which is his masculinity — because of the way he looks, and the imposing figure that he has, and his jawline — but he’s also very vulnerable. He knows how to deliver from the inside out, that vulnerability. He just needs a story that allows him to bring that contrast, that balance.”
Affleck had announced his departure from the role, which he played in three films. His return in Flash will help transition the DC Extended Universe into a new phase.
“He’s a very substantial part of the emotional impact of the movie. The interaction and relationship between Barry and Affleck’s Wayne will bring an emotional level that we haven’t seen before,” Muschietti said. “It’s Barry’s movie, it’s Barry’s story, but their characters are more related than we think. They both lost their mothers to murder, and that’s one of the emotional vessels of the movie. That’s where the Affleck Batman kicks in.” Barry Allen aka The Flash, is played by Ezra Miller in the DC films.
A new Batman movie, starring Robert Pattinson and directed by Matt Reeves, is currently preparing to resume production. Footage from the movie is also expected to premiere at the DC Fandome event.