Special Correspondent, Dhaka: The Awami League is eying several targets with its decision to not allow the party’s electoral symbol in the forthcoming local government elections, including the upazila parishad.
The governing party is openly speaking about curbing the infighting, which has arisen due to its decision to allow independent candidates alongside the party nominated one’s in the recently concluded 12th parliamentary elections. But the AL is planning to throw the opposition parties, including the BNP, that boycotted the parliamentary election in a ‘trap’.
It is clear whether BNP, the key opposition party, would take part in the local government elections or not. Many of the party’s leaders, however, are likely to contest the upazila and city corporation elections as independent candidates, in case the party decides to boycott this election too.
Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami has also not taken any decision of contesting the upazila parishad elections. However, the Jatiya Party will take part in the voting as the party is an ally of the governing Awami League.
AL sources said voting in the city corporations, upazila parishad and other local government elections will be held over the next one year. If the BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami and other opposition parties contest the elections, it would be impossible for them to mobilise an anti-government movement anew.
Besides, if the opposition parties boycott the elections, their leaders will join in the fray on their own. This might lead the party to take actions against them for violating the party’s decision, which will make the party weaker at the grassroots. This is the thought of the AL leaders.
The AL sources also revealed that the party’s grassroots is happy with the decision of not allowing party symbol as they will not have to spend money and engage in activities to ensure the “boat”. This has opened a scope for the party’s most popular and active leaders to come out as winners.
Wishing not to be named, a central AL leader told Prothom Alo that they have adopted the decision of not giving the “boat” symbol in the local government election after much thought. There is a broader objective beyond the interests of Awami League as a political party, the source added.