Bangladesh will import 60,000 metric tonnes of diesel from India in the current year 2021 under a government-to-government contract.
In the first phase, some 30,000MT will be brought in the next six months from January to June from the Numaligar Refinery Limited (NRL) in Assam state at a cost of Tk 107.72 crore.
The premium and other expenses are included in the cost, said Dr Saleh Ahmed, additional secretary of the Cabinet Division, while briefing on the outcomes of the Cabinet Committee on Public Purchase on Wednesday which approved a proposal of the Energy Division in this regard.
The cabinet body, presided over by Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal, also approved four more proposals of different ministries.
As per a proposal of the Food Ministry, the Food Directorate will import 50,000MT wheat from Agrocorp International Pte Ltd, Singapore, at a cost of Tk 138.61 crore.
Per metric ton of wheat will cost $326.92 while each kilogram will cost Tk 27.72.
The committee approved a proposal of the Pally Unnayan Academy, Bogura, under Rural Development and Cooperatives Division to award a contract to Bangladesh Army-owned Machine Tools Factory Ltd to do civil construction works of three sites of Pally Janapad Nirman project at Rangpur, Bogura and Gopalganj at a cost of Tk 154.6 crore.
The approval was given with retrospective effect.
Meanwhile, the Statistics and Information Management Division’s proposal to extend the cost of National Household Database (NHD) project by 13.03 crore received nod of the committee.
After the approval, the contract value of the contracting firm – a joint venture of Xeron India Ltd, IOE (Bangladesh) Ltd and TOP Image System (Germany) – will go up to Tk 125.47 crore from Tk 112 crore.
The Cabinet body approved a proposal of the Public Works Department under the Ministry of Housing and Public Works to award a contract to a joint venture of The Civil Engineers Limited, National Development Engineers Ltd and Banga Builders Ltd to construct 20-storey office building at Bangladesh Secretariat at a cost of Tk 193.76 crore. UNB