Bangladesh team conceded defeat in all the three Pool A matches of Division 2 of the three-day FIDE Online World Chess Olympiad that began on Friday (August 14) at 2:00 PM Bangladeshi time.
Ten teams are–The Philippines, Bangladesh Indonesia, Germany, Belarus, Belgium, Australia, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan–are taking part in the Pool ‘A’ of the meet on round-robin league system. Later, top three teams will qualify for the top division.
In the day’s first round, Bangladesh lost against Germany by 1½-4½ game points.
IM Mohammad Fahad Rahman beat GM Engel Luis of Germany and GM Reefat Bin Sattar drew with GM Wagner Dennis of Germany. GM Zir Rahman lost to GM Fridman, Daniel, WIM Rani Hamid lost to FM Schulze, Lara, WIM Sharmin Sultana Shirin lost to WGM Osmanodja, Filiz and Ahmed Walijah lost to FM Schneider Jana of Germany.
In the day’s 2nd round, Bangladesh lost to Belarus by 2-4 game points.
WFM Noshin AjnumTwon against WFM Tarasenka, Aliaksandra of Belarus, GM Niaz Murshed drew with GM Aleksandrov, Aleksej and GM Reefat Bin Sattar drew with GM Stupak, Kirill of Belarus. WFM Nazrana Khan Eva lost to IM Ziaziulkina, Nastassia, WCM Samiha Sharmin Shimmi lost to Stetsko, Lanita and CM Tahsin Tajwar Zia lost to IM Nikitenko, Mihail of Belarus.
In day’s 3rd and last round, Bangladesh lost to Belgium by 2½-3½ game points.
GM Reefat Bin Sattar won against Memeti, Kastriot and WIM Rani Hamid won against Cuvelier, Annelies of Belarus. GM Niaz Murshed drew with Lenaerts, Lennert. WIM Sjarmin Sultana lost to Musabayeva, Diana, IM Mohammad Fahad Rahman lost to De Waele Warrew and WFM Noshin Anjum lost to De Rycke, Tyani of Belgium.
The 4th, 5th and 6th round matches will be held Saturday (Aug 15) from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Bangladeshi time.
In the 4th round, Bangladesh will play against Australia, in the 5th round, Bangladesh will play against Bulgaria and in the 6th round, Bangladesh will play against Kyrgyzstan.UNB