In the weather forecast issued today, HR Biswas, IMD Director, Bhubaneswar said,” Warnings issued in most districts expect coastal and adjoining interior areas; western and extreme southern end of Odisha for next 24 hours
Harshit Sabarwal, Bhubaneswar: IMD Director added that a low-pressure area over North-west Bay of Bengal near Odisha is likely to develop and wind speeds can reach upto 40-50 kmph.
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday issued a warning of rainfall to several districts of Odisha including the capital city of Bhubaneswar for next 24 hours.
In the weather forecast issued today, HR Biswas, IMD Director, Bhubaneswar said,” Warnings issued in most districts expect coastal and adjoining interior areas; western and extreme southern end of Odisha for next 24 hours. All districts will witness rain, but it will heavy only in 1 or 2 places. Capital city can have light to medium rainfall.”
IMD Director added that a low-pressure area over North-west Bay of Bengal near Odisha is likely to develop and wind speeds can reach upto 40-50 kmph.
Moreover, fishermen have been warned not to venture into the sea.
“Low-pressure area over North-west Bay of Bengal near Odisha coast is likely to cause light-medium rain for the next 4-5 days. 1 or 2 places likely to have heavy to very heavy rain. Wind speeds can reach 40-50 kmph and fishermen have been warned,” the IMD Director said.