AUNG PHAY KYI SOE:A Muslim couple from Rakhine State who returned to Myanmar from Bangladesh have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the health ministry at 8pm on June 10. Meanwhile, six patients are on the road to recovery.
The latest patient is a 46-year-old Rakhine Muslim woman, Case-247 in the ministry’s list, from Maungdaw township in Rakhine State. The woman was undergoing community-based facility quarantine at a centre in the township where she tested positive. She did not have any contact with a positive patient. She has been admitted to Maungdaw District General Hospital for treatment.
The second patient is a 32-year-old Rakhine Muslim man, Case-248, also from Maungdaw township. The man underwent the same quarantine as Case-247 and has been admitted to the same hospital. He did not have any contact with a positive patient.
“The two new patients are residents who live in Maungdaw township. They paid a visit to their relatives in Bangladesh and returned to Myanmar. They are husband and wife,” U Tun Hla Sein, a State legislator of the Union Solidarity and Development Party from Maungdaw constituency No 1 told The Myanmar Times.
More than 80 returnees are now being quarantined at the Hla Phoe Khaung Transit Camp have had their movements restricted, he confirmed.
“Residents from Maungdaw township are worried about the returnees because infection rate of COVID-19 in Bangladesh rises very high,” he added.
On June 2, authorities in Bangladesh confirmed the first COVID-19 death of a Rakhine Muslim refugee.
Myanmar has so far reported 248 COVID-19 cases including six deaths and 165 recoveries.
Rakhine State has six confirmed cases. There are four returnees from Maungdaw, one from Taunggok and one from Thandwe townships.
From May 16 to June 9 at 8pm, a total of 62 returnees have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Ministry of Health and Sports. These comprise 34 returnees from India, 13 from Malaysia, eight from the United Arab Emirates, four from Bangladesh, two from Thailand, two from Italy, and one from China.
The first person on the road to recovery is a 58-year-old woman, Case-23, from Tedim township, in Chin State. The woman was confirmed infected on April 9 and her test results have returned negative twice. She was infected by her son, a 36-year-old US green card holder man, Case-1, from Tedim Township, Chin State.
Another person on the road to recovery is a 65-year-old woman, Case-113, from Tedim township, in Chin State. The woman was confirmed infected on April 20 and her test results have returned negative twice. She was also infected from a 36-year-old US green card holder man, Case-1.
The third person on the road to recovery is an 18-year-old teenage girl, Case-123, from Insein township, in Yangon. The girl was confirmed infected on April 22 and her test results have returned negative twice. She was in close contact with Case-108. (Case-108) was infected from COVID-19 patients who attended a religious ceremony in Insein township.
The fourth person on the road to recovery is a 26-year-old woman, Case-139, from Hlaing township, in Yangon. The woman was confirmed infected on April 24 and her test results have returned negative twice. He was infected from COVID-19 patient, Case-79, who worked at Pan Pacific Hotel.
The fifth person on the road to recovery is a 32-year-old woman, Case-152, from Insein township, in Yangon. She was a nurse who worked at the Kwekabaw private Hospital.The woman was confirmed infected on May 3 and her test results have returned negative twice. She was infected from COVID-19 patient, Case-151, who was a 25-year-old private teacher.
The six person on the road to recovery is a 28-year-old woman, Case-170, from Insein township, Yangon. The woman was confirmed infected on May 7 and his test results have returned negative twice. She was infected by nurses Case-151, Case-152 and Case-153 at the Kwekabaw private Hospital.
The National Health Laboratory tested 553 persons, the Department of Medical Research in Yangon Region tested 155 persons, and No(1) 1000 bedded Military Hospital in Yangon tested 77 persons suspected of being infected with the virus in the latest rounds of testing.
From January 31 to June 10 at 8pm, the government tested 42,416 people for the disease, according to data from the health ministry.
Yangon now accounts for 190 of all COVID-19 cases in the country.
So far, Kayah State is the only region in Myanmar without any reported case.
The global pandemic has spread to 188 countries, killing over 411,000 people and afflicting over 7.269 million people, according to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre.mmtimes