The United Nations Office for DisasterRisk Reduction (UNDRR), with the support of the Asian DisasterPreparedness Center (ADPC), has developed a planning toolkit for Smalland Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to redesign their business operations toadapt the new challenges amid COVID-19.
“With the assistance of the Business Initiative Leading Development(BUILD), this toolkit has now been adapted for Bangladesh,” as per aBUILD press release issued today.
According to the press release, Bangladesh is currently witnessing significant economic shocks due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
SMEs are the most vulnerable group in this critical situation becauseof their low shock-absorbing capacity.
The toolkit includes: a planning tool organized around ‘10 tips’ to make businesses resilient, a brief guide for impacted businesses withan ‘additional 5 tips,’ and an awareness-raising brochure summarizingthe ’10 tips’ and the ‘5 additional tips’.
This toolkit will support SMEs to protect their employees and their work environment.
Moreover, the toolkit demonstrates the process ofhow an SME can continue its operations during this crisis using theirexisting resources and to help protect SMEs from further disruptions.
In addition, the toolkit includes guidance for businesses which are already affected by COVID-19.BSS